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View Full Version : Cynthia Gerdes (CEO - Hell's Kitchen)

Mike Bucy
12-31-2013, 10:32 PM
"If you're like me, you own a business that exists on razor-thin margins. Using a company like Corporate CombatŪ simply wasn't an option...ANY additional expenses squeezed my already-tight bottom line.

Now fast-forward to our situation: fabulous bartender... wonderful with customers... smart...fun...happy to help in any way she could. In the blink of an eye, though...well, you can guess the rest: $4,317 stolen in a matter of several months. Right out from under my nose. And we're not stupid... we've owned several multi-million dollar operations and certainly thought we had all our bases covered. So if you're as "smart" as I am; learn from my experience: Don't risk it.

Corporate Combat's fees are nominal compared to what I lost in one single incident. Our membership with them is now as important as any other line item expense. And I sure as hell sleep better, too."

Cynthia Gerdes, CEO -Hell's Kitchen, Minneapolis